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πŸš€ Support Import from Snowflake

Today we are excited to share that we now support importing from Snowflake DDL!

If you are a Snowflake user, you can quickly generate a database relationship diagram (ERD) from the DDL of your database objects.

Import Database from Snowflake DDL.gif

πŸ’ŒΒ For any questions or concerns regarding this feature, our support team is here to assist you. You can reach out to us via ourΒ Contact UsΒ form.

🌍 For the latest update on new dbdiagram features, make sure to follow us on our social media: 🐦 TWITTER - 🧳 LINKEDIN

Thank you for your continued support and trust in our products.

πŸš€ Support Export to Oracle SQL

We're thrilled to announce that Export DBML Schema to Oracle SQL is now supported!

Now you can quickly design, visualize your database schema and export to Oracle SQL.

Export Database to Oracle SQL.gif

✍️ Please note that we are currently support Oracle version 19c syntax.

πŸ’ŒΒ For any questions or concerns regarding this Export Database to Oracle SQL feature, our support team is here to assist you. You can reach out to us via ourΒ Contact UsΒ form.

🌍 For the latest update on new dbdiagram features, make sure to follow us on our social media: 🐦 TWITTER - 🧳 LINKEDIN

Thank you for your continued support and trust in our products.

πŸ“ Adjustable Relationship Lines

We're excited to announce the addition of the new Adjustable Relationship Lines feature.

Overlapping relationships make diagrams difficult to read and understand, compromising the clarity of the diagram. This problem is especially severe in large and densely connected diagrams.

This new feature allows users to manually control the relationship lines between tables in their database diagrams, providing a more tailored and intuitive way to organize complex diagrams.

Adjustable Relationship Lines.gif

This feature is available to all dbdiagram users, including free and paid tiers.

We believe this enhancement will greatly improve your diagramming experience and we look forward to your feedback.

For the latest update on new dbdiagram features, make sure to follow us on our social media: 🐦 TWITTER - 🧳 LINKEDIN

Thank you for your continued support and trust in our products.

πŸ“ Sticky Notes

Today we're thrilled to introduce Sticky Notes feature in dbdiagram. This feature aims to simplify your process of annotating database designs and improves team communications.

πŸ‘‰Β Here's what you can look forward to:

  • Directly Add Notes to Diagrams Add sticky note.gif
  • Sticky note β€œas-code”: Notes are stored directly in the DBML, so it can be created or edited directly in the text editor. Sticky as code.gif
  • Exportable with your diagram Screen Recording Mar.gif

✍️ Please note that Sticky Notes is only available in our paid plans. You can learn more about our pricing plan here.

πŸ’ŒΒ For any questions or concerns regarding this Sticky Note feature, our support team is here to assist you. You can reach out to us via ourΒ Contact UsΒ form.

🌍 For the latest update on new dbdiagram features, make sure to follow us on our social media: 🐦 TWITTER - 🧳 LINKEDIN

Thank you for your continued support and trust in our products.

✨ New DBML Parser

We are thrilled to announce the release of our new DBML parser, bringing a range of improvements and exciting features to enhance your experience!

The new parser has been rebuilt from the ground up, resulting in a more powerful and efficient parsing process. Here are the key highlights:

  • βœ…Β Improved Error Reporting: Previously, only one syntax error would be displayed at a time; now, you will receive more precise and detailed error messages, allowing you to locate and resolve issues with your DBML files more quickly. Improved error reporting
  • βœ…Β Better Performance: The new parser is more efficient, meaning your DBML projects will load and render faster while using fewer resources. Our benchmarks measure an up to 8x increase in parsing speed.
  • βœ…Β Enhanced Editing Experience: Listening to your feedback, the new parser now offers more precise typing suggestions and the ability to jump to code definition. Code suggestions Go to code definition
  • ➑️ Future-proofing: The new parser has been designed with extensibility in mind, allowing us to add exciting new features in the future. Stay tuned for upcoming enhancements such as including other DBML files, object inheritance, etc.

Please note that there may be compatibility issues because the new parser has been rebuilt with a different architecture. To ensure a seamless transition, we have compiled a list of known issues along with examples to help you quickly address them. Our support team is also ready to assist you with any questions or concerns.

Thank you for your continued support and trust in our products.