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🤝✨ Collaboration - Personal Pro feature

Invite your colleagues to work on the same diagram with you in real-time.

Invite People: You can invite specific colleagues with their account email addresses.
Publish Editable Diagram: You can publish your diagram with edit permission, so any authenticated user can edit it with the diagram URL.

Real-time Collaborative Editing: For now, every edit experience on dbdiagram is real-time. Hence, you & your colleagues will be able to edit together on the same diagram, at the same time.

📢 2021 Q3 Updates

Winter is coming. Therefore, this is our preparation:


  • Collaboration


  • Support reactivate the subscription
  • Add confirmation for users to keep or discard the local draft on their last session diagram
  • Replace "Load Sample" with "New Sample Diagram" to reduce loss diagram content chances

Bug fixes

  • Fix critical bug that overrides the diagram
  • Fix bug make "Upgrade to PRO" pop up too many times
  • Prevent non-owners from indirectly changing the code by dragging & dropping to create relationships
  • Fix icon mismatch after setting a diagram to private or password protected

🔒 Private & Password-protected Diagrams - Personal Pro feature

We understand that security is a big issue for you. That's why we've been working hard to release Private & Password-protected diagram feature.

Password protection

By default, your diagram is public, which means anyone can view it via a shareable link.

To change your diagram privacy, click Share. You can then change privacy settings in Share & access pop-up.

Type in a password, then click Apply.

From now, people can only view the diagram if they enter the password correctly.

Password will have effects on both the diagram you share via a link and on your existing embedded diagram.

Private mode

If you want to further restrict access to your diagram, turn off Public. In this private mode, only you can view and edit your design. Please note that password protection and embedded link will be disabled in Private mode.

Private & Password-protected diagrams are available in the Personal Pro plan. Learn more at

⏳✨ Version History - Personal Pro feature

Quarter 3 is coming with summer trips, beaches and time machine. You can now roll back in time with Version History!

No more manual cloning your diagram to test new ideas. No more fear of accidental deletion.

Every time you save your diagram (by pressing Ctrl/Command + S, or hitting Save button), a version is created. Now you can:

  • freely experiment your schema
  • and roll back to a former version whenever you want

How to use it:

  • Click on the new "History" button to view all versions of your diagram
  • Click on a specific version to preview it
  • Choose "Restore version" to revert the version right inside your diagram. Choose "Make a copy" to make a new diagram from that version.

🔑 Support Composite Foreign Key

dbdiagram now support composite foreign key!


//Long form
Ref name_optional {
table1.(column1, column2,...) [<|>|-] table2.(columnA, columnB,...)

//Short form:
Ref name_optional: table1.(column1, column2,...) [<|>|-] table2.(columnA, columnB,...)


Table user {
id int
country_code int
Table account {
user_id int
country_code int
Ref: user.(id, country_code) - account.(user_id, country_code)