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🎨 Enhanced Color Palette

Once upon a time, Table Header Color was the most wanted feature. However, the color picking experience was simple & not very convenient.

Old Color Palette

And today, we're introducing an Enhanced Color Palette for our Personal Pro plan. Pro users now have more options in picking table header colors:

  • Default Theme Colors: 15 basic colors handpicked by our design team.
  • Currently Used Colors: Custom colors are used in the current diagram.

Enhanced Color Palette

  • Custom Color: Freely select a custom color via the HEX code.

Select custom color

Feel free to show some love or feedback in the feature announcement on our community.

πŸ”— Support Many-to-many Relationships

A much-requested feature, dbdiagram now supports Many-to-many Relationships!

When drawing the many-to-many relationship, you no longer need to create an associative (join) table. Instead, just define it directly, such as:

Table books {
id int [pk]

Table authors {
id int [pk]

Ref books_authors: <> // many-to-many

For more DBML syntax updates, please check out our docs!

πŸ“§ Login via Email

Previously you could only log in via Google or Github. This is limiting because sometimes your work email doesn't associate with these two services.

We want to ease your pain. With the Login via Email feature, feel free to connect the app with your work email & improve the workflow now!

πŸ—“οΈ Annual Billing

We heard you! now officially supports annual billing for our pricing plans. Feel free to subscribe to our annual plans to get a discounted price and ease your billing management.

If you already have a monthly subscription and want to switch to an annual one, simply to go your billing page to do so.

πŸ—‚ Support Multiple Schemas

Today we provide you with another powerful tool for documenting your database - Multiple Schemas.

Previously you could only define the table names, then every table falls into the default β€œpublic” schema.

Now, you can define the tables with full schema names:

Table ecommerce.order_items {

Moreover, you can make cross-schemas relationships and use enums from different schemas:

Table orders {
id int [pk, ref: < ecommerce.order_items.order_id]
status core.order_status

Enum core.order_status {

For more DBML syntax updates, please check out our docs!