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πŸ–₯️ Improvements In Code Editor

As developers, we understand that the editing experience is something that you care about! Hence, we are excited to share that the editor on dbdiagram has been improved significantly in this new release!

Improved look and better experience​

  • Press F1 to see the command palette and explore familiar shortcuts! (powered by Monaco Editor). Enjoy shortcuts such as:
    • Shift + Alt/Option + Up to copy a line up
    • Ctrl/Cmd + D to add selection to next match
    • and many more!
  • Minimalistic and sleek design that is aesthetically pleasing to the eye (powered by Monaco Editor)
  • Easily toggle your code editor with the Cmd + \ shortcut, and enable the editor to increase up to 50% of your screen width. Your preferred editor size will be remembered as well the next time you come back to work on your diagrams.

Code Editor

Zooming to diagram elements from the code editor​

No more wasting time searching for the correct table in complicated diagrams. You can easily find which part of the diagram you want from the code at any time.

To zoom in on a table/table group/relationship, use Cmd/Ctrl + Click or Cmd/Ctrl + F12.

Code To Diagram

Feel free to share your thoughts on our community.

πŸ“‹ Customizing Table/Field Notes with Markdown

To enrich your table/field descriptions, you can now use Markdown syntax to present code blocks, sample data tables, related URLs, and so on.

On the other hand, by changing the way we display notes (in a separate popup), we hope you will find it easier to read long notes that were previously narrowed in small tooltips.

Before: Old Table Notes|100x50

After: New Table Notes with Markdown supported|690x379

Feel free to share your thoughts about the feature on our community.

πŸ’Ό Team Pricing Plan

We’ve kicked off the year 2022 with the ability for individuals to collaborate in real-time with others. After hearing a lot of encouraging comments from users, we decided to introduce the Team Pricing Plan with Team features in order to make the team collaboration experience even more seamless.

You can start your 7-day Team Plan Trial by making a brand-new workspace for your team in the "My Workspaces" window.

More information about the Team Plan can be found on our pricing page.
You can also read up on Workspaces in our documentation.

πŸš€ Team Workspace - Team features

Collaborate with your colleagues. Manage team's diagrams all in one place.

By collaborating on a team workspace, your team will be able to:

  • Have a central place for your whole team to store, access, and share database diagrams. team-workspace-diagrams

  • Invite and manage your teammates in one workspace, and allow them to take advantage of the Team plan’s benefits. invite-people-to-team

  • Easy to manage diagram access of guests and teammates. manage-diagram-access

πŸ”Ž New Zooming and Panning UX for Diagrams

Some users said our diagram interactive UX is a bit cumbersome, like, you can't vertical/horizontal scroll with mouse wheels or use two fingers to scroll around the diagram.

Today we're excited to announce you some UX enhancements for diagrams:

  • Panning Around:Β Besides the current dragging-to-move behavior, users can now scroll their diagrams using the mouse wheel or trackpad:
    • Mouse Wheel:
      • Up/down: Rotate mouse wheel forward/backward.
      • Left/right: Shift + Rotate mouse wheel forward/backward.
    • Trackpad: Place two fingers on the touchpad and slide horizontally/vertically.

Select custom color

  • Zooming: Zoom in/out using the mouse wheel or trackpad:
    • Mouse Wheel: Ctrl/Cmd + Rotate mouse wheel forward/backward.
    • Trackpad: Pinch to zoom out and spread to zoom in.

Select custom color

Feel free to show some love or feedback in the feature announcement on our community.